Rugged Steel Works
Dream It * Build It* Make it Better
Dream It * Build It * Make It Better
Rugged Steel Works is founded by Doug Gunsaullus. After several years in the Steel Container and Trailer repair business, Doug realized he could help his customers by building Steel Containers and Trailers to meet their needs. If you can dream it up, Rugged Steel Works can build it.
About Rugged Steel Works
As a builder of Steel Containers and Trailers it was just a great fit to add the Indiana Distributorship for Switch-N-Go. This detachable truck body system is so easy it's amazing. It loads/unloads at ground level and requires minimal hands-on involvement. Hit the button and the truck does the heavy lifting. Along with the System, Rugged Steel Works can build any bed that you need to meet a company's needs.
Like what you see with the Switch-N-Go System? We are here to help you. We would be happy to give you a quote.